Monday 25 June 2012

Barley - 24th June 2012

Barley in Lancashire is a beautiful village with stone buildings and trees and green fields. It is also located in the heart of Pendle, famous for the Pendle Witches and the resulting witch trials of early 1612, something that you will have to read about elsewhere.

On this day we were attending The Pendle Faeries Mad Hatter's Tea Party, so I was dressed up and my face was painted.

Not quite Johnny Depp

It was a fun event, but it also gave us the opportunity to spend an hour exploring a couple of villages in the area.

The multi-level village hall, complete with scaffolding. This was where the event was held.

The Nelson Waterworks building, built in 1930.

The weir under the roads at Barley.

Had some nice food and drink at The Pendle Inn

The Barley Mow is the white building on the right that can be seen in the background. This is the place I would like to go next time we visit Barley. And there is more to see, but we were running out of time.

Where next?

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