Thursday 16 August 2012

Beeston Castle - 8th July 2012

A day out with the family saw us in Cheshire and Beeston Castle, a clifftop ruin overlooking several counties including Shropshire and Lancashire.

This impressive gatehouse was not part of the original castle, but was built during Victorian times for the increase in tourism. Inside is a shop and small museum charting the history of the castle with some impressive models of the castle development.

It was a bit of a climb up to the castle itself, but on the way we came across some impressive trees and their exposed roots. Almost enchanted, just needs a little door in the tree for mythical or fantasy creatures to enter.

Some of the walls of the outer bailey still exist today.

The keep itself sits atop a steep hill

Crossing the moat!

The well is over 100 metres deep and is the deepest in the country.

On a clear day the view is breathtaking!

For more information about Beeston Castle click here